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Government / Corporate / MNC jobs Check this page for links of Government, semi-government, PSU, MNC and Corporate jobs information.
External links / tutorials
50 Questions for Interview Preparation : Must Read Be prepared for your next interview.
Difference between CV, Biodata and Resume An informative article about the subject.
Samples of Coverletters Your cover-letter should be as effective as your CV. Don't just send it casually because it will be read first rather than your CV.
Common mistakes we make while sending resume / CV Read the article and avoid such mistakes.
Download the PPT File, 220 kb.
CTC: What is it? How does it differ from Take-home Salary? Informative article
Candidate Registration Form - MyCityIndore Standard form for Candidate Registration for faster processing.
Check and join Facebook-job-group    Check MyCityNetwork for links of all cities